Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Creise & Meall a' Bhuiridh

Phoned up my old mate David Smout at the last minute desperate to get out on the hills after my weekend in Braemar with the club was scuppered by the delivery of a carpet....(long story...very boring)

Anyway, we set off on a beautiful crisp Autumn morning, not too early, and a mere hour and a half later we were parked at the Glen Coe Ski Center car park.

We headed up below the empty but working chair lift and took our time up the easy slopes to the rocky summit. After a bit of lunch we followed the excellent ridge between the two mountains and after a bit of light scrambling emerged on the far ridge and the beginnings of the first signs of an early cornice forming. Hopefully this is an indication of a good winter season. Part of the reason i wanted to do these hills was to suss out Sron na Creise and Inglis Clark Ridge for a return in winter conditions, both look really interesting.

We summitted the blip that is Creise and after Smoutie taking some IT helpdesk calls we turned and reversed our route back down. The route back means climbing over Meall a' Bhuiridh again so really we climbed 3 Munros. The Smoutster struggled a bit with his 3 years of sitting at a desk between his last outing and this but in reality it was a bit of a push back over the first summit again so hats off o him for a good return to the hills.

till next time...adieu