Meall nan Tarmachan
Club Sunday and a stunningly beautiful sunny snowy day. We decided on the Tarmachan Ridge near Ben Lawers and headed off. After parking we, in true Cairn ban style, completely ignored the easy path to the summit and went up cross country which, to be fair, was a bit hard on the new fella joining us for his first Scottish winter walk. The group soon strung out a bit and I admit to wondering if he'd make it but with Bob keeping him motivated and slowing the pace he made it to the summit to stunning snowy views for hundreds of miles in all directions.
We headed off the complete the ridge but found the steep section just edging on the dangerous side of exciting for most. A few moments previously JP had slipped on ona relatively easy bit of the ridge and slid down no more than a few feet. (I managed to capture the moment in the 2nd shot below) As the ground got steeper a decision had to be made for the safety of the whole group and we sensibly turned back. With crampons and axes it was probably fine but since I was one of the only ones without crampons...stooopid.....I fully supported the decision for JP's safety ....Ahem).
We doubled back and headed down off the ridge and back along the track to the cars for a short but hugely enjoyable day.