Sunday, December 02, 2007

Stob a Choire Odhair

I woke up at 8am on Sunday morning and made a snap decision to head out for the hills. A Quick sandwich make, flask fill and rucksack pack later and I was heading off for Stob a Choire Odhair which was a mountain I'd been meaning to tick off since last year around this time. Stob Ghabhar and Stob a Choire Odhair are normally climbed together as a circular trip, but having done the former early last winter, today was just the latter.

A beautiful day emerged north of Crainlarich and as I parked up near at Victoria Bridge near Bridge of Orchy on a warm(ish) sunny morning. Only the horror of realising I'd grabbed my summer boots as I looked at the snow capped mountains dampened my spirits.

A stroll along the river to the obvious hut and a easy, but warm, walk up to the corrie rim and then crossing the snow line I followed the wide ridge up to the summit of Stob a Choire Odhair through some mid calf depth snow. Hung around for a bit enjoying the spectacular views and even though my feet were cold the summer boots had been ok.

Lesson learned, If you think you might go out the next day...pack your bag beforehand and check the plastic bag with the boots in it has the boots you need. doh!

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